Wednesday, April 25, 2012

01 YOU

A collection of some of my poetry. Some good some bad. Here's an awful one:


I remove the blankets
From my cold naked body
And rise out of my coffin.
The musty room around me is
Darkened by the curtains,
Sad gray clouds,
Blocking the light of the sun
From entering my somber chamber
Enveloped in solitude.
The will to stand eludes me
As my thoughts travel miles
Returning to you:
To your eyes, the infinite windows to your soul,
Staring into mine, paralyzing, gripping,
And haunting me;
To your scent, the likes which no man has ever smelt,
Which rapidly fades from my pillow
Where your head laid to rest.
I embrace it in the night, longing for you,
But the alluring perfume of your soft skin is long gone;
To your touch, soft and reassuring;
To your voice, beautiful, melodious,
Enchanting, prompting me to
Dive into the deadly waters and be
Dragged into the dark depths of the ocean
Where you, my siren, would sing to me
Your mindless words, as I eat every single one
In a hypnotized daze;
To your lips, forbidden fruits
Tempting me, and I cannot help myself
So I take, not one, but many
Long lasting bites of pure pleasure and bliss.
I long for the day when the clouds
Will move away, and the
Sunshine will once again invade my room.
And I welcome you in.
And I bathe in your beauty, my goddess,
My love.

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