Saturday, June 30, 2012


In the dim chances that whatever the fuck happened to Kyle was real, I think it might be happening to me and Hannah too. Here's a checklist:

-fucked up cryptic dreams: check!
-creepy crawley sounds in the walls: check!
-weird guy in a suit (even though in my case it's Kyle): SUPER CHECK!

Now, in the case that this is really happening (and I am sorry if I sweat disbelief but I am quite the cynic) then here is what I think is going on:

In Afraid At Home Kyle was possessed by this weird faceless entity after it was released into our world from some other dimension, or some shit like that. I was honestly a bit lost: the videos and the Pater Noster blog were confusing to keep up with. (seriously, who ever thought that Tumblr would be a good way to have a blog?) So, now that Kyle is possessed by this entity, the same sounds started over here. And Kyle lives next door...

Maybe the dream I'm having is the key. I think I get it! The sounds started in Hannah's house around the time I saw her face in my dream. Maybe Kyle wants me to find out who all of the faceless people are...and do what? Also, that implies that Kyle can somehow enter my dreams, which is preposterous. 

But we'll see. Next time I have the dream I'll visualize the next face. Maybe that will help...

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